Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Pretty Stinkin’ Exciting News!


So… yesterday I received some pretty fan flippin tastic news! But first I have to go back and share a little about the process.

I recently collaborated with wonderfully talented shop owners and wedding vendors to design and execute a photo shoot inspired by Marie Antoinette.

We were published on Classic Bride and in several other blogs…. and re-tweeted like 5 million times! That was pretty exciting in itself.

I don’t know… like a month or so ago I was reading my Facebook feed as I am accustom to doing often {only a TAD addicted}. I find the best ideas to send to brides from the fantastic designers, brands, and wedding publications I am connected to on Facebook.

So Wedding Style posted a request for photo submissions. I thought… hey what the heck. What have I got to loose but a single email.

So… bravely I sent an email with several pictures and a link for them to view more photos from our Marie Shoot.

WELL!!!!!!! Yesterday I received an email from the original contact. She reported that our photos have been sent to the art department for consideration for publication!!!!

What? {I have to say it’s a good thing I wasn’t on the phone because I might have dropped it on the ground… or screamed in the person’s ear… or oh I don’t know… but I’m sure it would be embarrassing}!

Let me just say Wedding Style is an internationally esteemed wedding magazine. They feature only some of the best of the best designers and weddings. Many {and I say that lightly because it’s ALL…} wedding vendors find the magazine inspirational and desirable. I know I do!

I feel so honored and totally blessed that we have even made it past the first batch of eyes and onto the second! Thrilled.

So cross all of your fingers and all of your toes and anything else on your body that can be crossed without causing too much discomfort… !  AND say a big WOO HOO along side me and all of the awesome vendors involved!

Au Revoir for now!

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